Nigel Bowden
Nigel Bowden
Will look at this for v2.1/2.2.
Need to remove reliance on cron and provide running as a daemon operation to run from loop using interval defined in config .ini.
@lealog Are you able to run IPv6 tests now from wiperf? I have never tried that.
It looks initially as though many of the failures are due to name lookup issues. I wonder if your probe has DNS resolution issues? I'm not an IPv6 expert, but...
There are quite a few interesting considerations coming out of this. If a hostname is specified for a test, there is a need to specify if the ipv4 or ipv6...
Ping is hardcoded for IPv4 in wiperf, which is why it fails. I am fixiing it. :)
@lealog I haven't had much luck getting an IPv6 env going with a public Internet connection going. The suggested broker service wont work with my ISP due to ICMP being...
After further consideration, not sure of value of this information. Perhaps include in later release if sufficient requirement for this information. Parking this item from v2.1.
@mik0git Just looking at this request. Do you have any details of any suggested 4G modems that are supported by Linux that you have tried?
Hi Miko, Thanks for submitting the suggestion. This sounds interesting, but I'd like to understand more about how tests would be performed. How would wiperf communicate to the smartphone? Would...