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A Pure Python, React-style Framework for Scaling Your Jupyter and Web Apps

Results 101 solara issues
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I'm getting the following error when attempting to run Solara with version 1.29+: ``` PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/jupyter-vuetify/extension.js' ``` Everything works fine on 1.28.0 though. I started a...


Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to implement a Card Reveal component (using ipyvuetify/reacton/solara), similar to the example shown on [vuetify docs]( Thanks

Fix for Created a separate variable to store row names to display them correctly as per the index in the loop. Also, created a new function in utils to...

I have the following project: ``` $ poetry run pip list | rg solara solara 1.32.1 solara-server 1.32.1 solara-ui 1.32.1 ``` however when I try to import solara, I have...

If you have a styled ```df = pandas.DataFrame().style```, you can pass it as ```sdf = solara.DataFrame(``` but you loose the styling that was applied to df. So if columns were...

I want to add Pyodide to Solara so the clients can run Python code in the browser. Having a look over Solara code base i noticed this line: `render_kwargs={"for_pyodide": True}`...

I want to make a Jupyter style notebook where Python runs on the clients machine. But looking over the documentation I can not see any premade components or details weather...

The insertion of `` into the dom is what causes strange extra spacing at the top of notebook-based tutorials with solara.Meta tags currently: ![image]( Fixes #626 TODO: - [ ]...

This can have unexpected consequences for spacing when, for instance, using flex-boxes with a set gap, like the ones that are automatically added if an element has more than one...

I would love to render (very very large, ie millions of rows) ibis tables in solara.DataTable. This currently doesn't work because - solara calls `len(df)` on the data. ibis uses...