Have been unable to replicate, please include more specifics about your system setup, specs and screenshots.
Try pulling yacht:devel instead of yacht:latest. The devel is the current work in progress, the latest is almost a year old. Several things have caused @SelfhostedPro to slow down development...
Just use devel with no numbers, latest is used when no tag is specified. In this case yacht:devel is the image:tag That's a docker default not dockerhub, works the same...
The update feature has been working for most, try it after changing the image and let us know if it works afterwards. Might be chasing a bug that's already resolved....
The update feature has been working for most, try it after changing the image. The devel is the "work in progress" so it doesn't always fit the production stable environment....
The update feature in yacht spins up a watch dog container which then checks all others for updates to the latest tag. It then downloads them and restarts each with...
Yacht is updated as well, if out of date.
The ability and option to bulk update is built in, click update in yacht. I already explained the process it runs and more details are found on yachts page.
That's got to be one of the longest docker compose files I have ever seen, will try to duplicate and return results. While we wait try pulling yacht:devel as your...
Feel free to leave some more details, if @SelfhostedPro thinks it works and you can implement it then by all means create a fork, work on it and create a...