Tachibana waita

Results 19 issues of Tachibana waita

`self.repo.index.remove` remove an old file when renaming the file. gitfs will execute `Rename` first if creating and renaming while waiting for a commit. Then gitfs not execute `Create` and occurred...

Hi contributors, Thank you for your great works :) This change is adding the parameter `more_fields`. `more_fields` can write any data to Slack notify. ## example workflow: ``` - uses:...

myshoes check the status of LOCK in MySQL during starting. https://github.com/whywaita/myshoes/blob/a0c7eabcfcdca2b1e392eea5bba9c5b95eed42a1/cmd/server/cmd.go#L78 But this implementation has a bug. A deadlock occurred in some environments like Kubernetes (from high-frequency restart).

https://github.com/whywaita/myshoes/pull/61 changed the method of authentication. one myshoes uses one GitHub Apps. So, myshoes host only one `ghe_domain`. `targets` table does not need to has a `ghe_domain` column.

good first issue

terraform managed `target`

GitHub released `workflow_job` as a new webhook event. https://docs.github.com/en/developers/webhooks-and-events/webhooks/webhook-events-and-payloads#workflow_job myshoes use `check_run` in https://github.com/whywaita/myshoes/blob/b0f514db060a4d063a383382862b170e19537e46/pkg/web/webhook.go#L46. `workflow_job` provides a label for `runs-on` in the workflow definition.

## Now https://github.com/octo-org/hello-world-javascript-action - OK: `octo-org/hello-world-javascript-action` - NG: `OCTO-ORG/hello-world-javascript-action` ## Expected - OK: `octo-org/hello-world-javascript-action` `OCTO-ORG/hello-world-javascript-action`

good first issue

The stadium VM has dust runner because bug from myshoes.