Yongwoo Lee
Yongwoo Lee
+1 Do you have any plan to apply this issue? @syrusakbary
My idea is to remove the other CosmosMsgs but leave only StargateMsg. To do that, we'll need to add a way to generate a Binary. https://github.com/line/cosmwasm/blob/25690c3b58c3e9deee077b528543d45746d1403d/packages/std/src/results/cosmos_msg.rs#L35 Can you check these...
Looks good as a first step. Let's implement your plan first and plan further work(Removing cosmos-msg, legacy handler, ...).
The cosmos-sdk also uses 64 bit integer as string. > https://github.com/tendermint/go-amino/blob/master/json-encode.go#L103-L109 I'm not sure in the stargate version.