Simple-Instant-Articles-for-Facebook copied to clipboard
Add support for Facebook Instant Articles to your WordPress site.
First of all - thanks for a great plugin! How do I render more than 10 articles in the instant-article-rss-feed. I have increased the number of posts for RSS and...
First of all, thanks for making this great plugin. However, I found that the text of my article was garbled like this. ãæ¬ç¶²è¨ãç«æ³æä¿å®äºåå§å¡æå¬éæè°ï¼è¨è«é£æ°è°é¡ãä¿å®å±å»ºè°ä¿®è¨ãå ¥å¢(æªç²ææ¬é²å¢è )令ãï¼å å ¥éè¯è£éæ³å ¥å¢è ç主è¦ä¾æºå家ï¼åæé«å·ééæ³å ¥å¢è ...
Thinking that I could set this up as a taxonomy, and then output in the header.
This resolves issue #49 - and provides greater control for testing environments.
The most recent update removed the ability to set a custom endpoint on the feed level in order to bring canonical for FB into order. However, I think there is...
Redirectable endpoints were being broken because I accidentally left out a `=` on the check thus causing `false` to evaluate to `0`, breaking custom endpoints.
Facebook is a bit picky about its content, and if the article doesn't match the required markup - it complains. Sometimes it throws that bit out, sometimes it fixes it... provides a neat solution for embedding content from untrusted sources using their embed button. Basically it allows you to dump any old embed code - whatever it may be,...