
Results 5 issues of -

Here is the stack trace.. givens={self.x: data_shared[index \* batch_size: (index + 1) \* batch_size]}) Started the training. ## Training at epoch 0 ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) /home/user/workspace/experiments/autoencoders/tests/test_sa.py in...

Running test_sa.py leads to this warning which sounds too important to ignore.. (please advice) /home/user/workspace/experiments/autoencoders/sa.py:84: UserWarning: The parameter 'updates' of theano.function() expects an OrderedDict, got . Using a standard dictionary...

The slack link listed in this site (https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cloud-kubeflow-minikf-kale#6) for kubeflow-kale community is stale. Kindly fix or let me know how to join it.

None of the blog links work, most of the work here relies on the blog articles for documentation, So they have all lost context. Could you maybe throw the old...

python networkx. (edited to remove pandas, I just see its already included!)