
Results 148 comments of Vladimir

Interesting, fuse does not (did not?) allow other users to do anything with mounted directory by default. What fuse version do you have? Did you pass `-o allow_other` to mount?...

hmm, interesting, I provide `android-file-transfer.desktop` as a part of the installation, it should be enough to register in the menu of your favourite WM/DE.

Normally it should just work :) try running `aft-mtp-cli -v` and post the lines starting with ``` extensions: microsoft.com: 1.0; android.com: 1.0; supported op codes: GetDeviceInfo OpenSession CloseSession GetStorageIDs GetStorageInfo...

did you run out of space on your phone or on your PC?

I think you don't have to `cd` on every line, just do it once. --input-file basically reopens stdin with your file, so it's synonymous to `aft-mtp-cli < your-file`

hey, I'm sorry you have this failure and for the late answer, try installing `libqt5-linguist-devel` or whatever it's called in your distro

Can you switch your current dir to `/sys/bus/usb/devices/` and check permissions of the files there. Likely you don't have read permission for them.

This timeout bug is very weird, it happens with one kernel version but doesn't happens with another, also it happens with some specific cables, but doesn't happen with another. For...

I wonder why it happens. One of the reason could be that storage in your device is slower than your upload speed. Normally linux does all file operation through the...

do you have an idea what should I do? Migrating to the newer toolchain?