Duncan Robertson

Results 4 issues of Duncan Robertson

Hello, I'm trying to understand if this is me or `deploy`. I have an app that connects to a remote MongoDB. I am able to connect fine locally and via...

Looks like you're fixed to `"msal": "^0.1.5"` and I think they're up to v0.2.3 now. Happy to submit a PR, but want to make sure you're up for it ?

Morning, I'm unable to install `3.2` on my `M1` mac this morning. I've tried various `ruby-build` solutions with no luck. I think the project doesn't use `ruby-build` though. Here's my...

`refreshUser` is a really useful addition but I think it should return the `tokenId` too ? That or the function just returns the [response object](https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/reference#gapiauth2authresponse). In the project I'm using...