Wieteke Holthuijzen
Wieteke Holthuijzen
To give more context, I am running a model with 6 sources and then I used the combine_sources function to aggregate sources after running the model: combine.mod6habxses summary_stat(combine.mod6habxses, meanSD=FALSE, quantiles=c(.025,.5,.975),...
Ok, let me switch over to the "Mantis Example” data from deVries et al. in the MixSIAR GUI User Manual v3.1--when I run that script and try to use the...
Ok, I have uninstalled/reinstalled MixSIAR, re-run the Mantis example and now I can get the plots to show up, despite the warnings about scale already being present. Whew--at least that...
To ask my question a little more specifically--is there another way to extract the summary statistics (mean, SD, quantiles) for the aggregated sources (after using the combine_sources function) other than...
I'm still having the same issue--when I run a model and then want to save the summary stats as a data frame, I get the same problem (and I have...
I just re-ran the Wolves vignette in reference to modifying MixSIAR plots (http://brianstock.github.io/MixSIAR/articles/modify_output.html), and I'm getting error messages for both the output_diagnostics and the output_stats functions: > diag df.stats
Yep, installed from Github. Here's what I get when I run the following code: > devtools::package_info("MixSIAR", dependencies=F) package * version date (UTC) lib source MixSIAR * 3.1.12 2022-08-16 [1] Github...
Yes, I have uninstalled MixSIAR several times now, just to double-check, and then reinstalled via Github. I'm sorry that this is a problem, but thanks for trying to look into...