Karl Lok (Zhaokai Luo)

Results 8 comments of Karl Lok (Zhaokai Luo)

config中chrome driver没填

服务器那边接口改了,代码没更新 rainFogWindSnow 于2019年12月10日周二 下午10:35写道: > 下载了安装了chromedriver,也配置了目录如下,还是会报错啊 > > COOKIE_TYPE = 1 > 如果COOKIE_TYPE=1,则需配置 路径,下载地址 > http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html > chromedriver配置版本只要和chrome的大版本匹配就行 > > CHROME_PATH = "C:/Users/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/Application" > > url: /otn/leftTicket/init返回参数为空, 接口状态码: 302 >...

you should use NDK to compile it. But this algo has very hight computation complex, it may take very long time to finish 1 background remove task. Are you sure?...

I have no android env right now, or you can bring up a ndk template. I can help you to debug the issue. riddhee 于2019年12月9日周一 下午6:02写道: > yes i also...


seems it can change the backbone to mobilenet to reduce the parameters of network. this change can make the large image inference more easier.

I think this error is caused by no implement JNI method onNativeSurfaceChanged instead of the ROM. If you have any idea about this. Welcome discuss with me.

may be not a bug. following code is work for me ```python import torch import deepspeed from deepspeed.accelerator import get_accelerator from deepspeed.ops.op_builder import InferenceBuilder from torch.nn import functional as F...