Matt C
Matt C
You can also click "Download Zip" on the main repository page:
There shouldn't be any provisioning profile required for the FetLifeTests. For the main target, you should be using your own account with an Xcode-created profile (make sure "Automatically manage signing"...
This can occur if you didn't install/update CocoaPods before installing. Can you copy the exact error messages you get?
It sounds like you might have a few different issues going on, so I'll go through them one by one :) * I noticed you're running an old version of...
Did you run the CP install? That can explain the errors. As for Xcode, you may be out of luck :/ I may be able to compile a version for...
Try this:
In the `Podfile`, change line 10 to `pod 'Freddy'`. Then run `pod update` and recompile.
If you look at the [RealmSwift changelog for version 3.0.0]( it looks like they changed some of the API objects. I'm working on updating the code now. I don't know...
Can you post a screenshot of the app and any output created by Xcode when running or building the app?
Hi @Shuyuya! Unfortunately, the code currently in the repository is written in Swift 3.0, which is not supported in Xcode version 10.2 and above. I have updated the code to...