Thanks for your professional response. I already knew the information about Window naming conventions, \\\\?\ and Windows Notepad, but it is certainly useful for other readers. > If I find...
You misunderstood. In the normal namespace this simply means a filename without filename extension, not a filename that ends with a dot. So I wish to create "c:\test\test" without any...
Note what I wrote as expected behavior (which is what you get if you use a relative path). There's no dot there. It's perfectly normal to use this notation in...
> > In Notepad++ you use that too if you create a new file (Ctrl+N) and then save it to a filename without filename extension. > > I cannot reproduce...
Total Commander users who configured Notepad++ as external editor regularly run into the problem of this issue. Two examples on the Total Commander forum: - https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=78776 - https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=78947
Seems to be fixed in v8.5.2. Closing this issue.
> Why not exactly as @xomx shows in the screenshot here?: [#12453 (comment)](https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/12453#issuecomment-1301809375) Note that at the moment, when using no namespace prefixing (c:\newfile), a similar message is displayed when...
The objective of this report is to prevent the crash. A displayed error message is a plus (nice to have). I feel an advanced patch is beyond the scope of...
> rule N++ globbing out I'm not sure about this one. AFAIK Windows APIs still interpret wildcards when using the \\\\?\ namespace. But the question mark in the \\\\?\ prefix...
[@xomx](https://github.com/xomx) No, I don't know any link to documentation. The error shown in your example, shows that wildcards are interpreted and considered to be invalid. I'm not able to test...