
Results 12 issues of whisere

### Expected behaviour It works under Android, but under iOS it reports plugin not installed. although on xcode build phrase - compiled libraries the Sim.m is included, plugin folder also...

Is this still the case: https://groups.google.com/g/tesseract-ocr/c/AnMYS98VwiE/m/1PN3mF6PAgAJ The MAX_ITERATIONS depends on the number lstmf files? If I have 1 millions pairs of images and text ground truth for training from scratch,...


Hello, I just found two different instances of blazegraph set up with .war files are using the same bigdata.jnl file due to the default setting using the root folder of...

I have tried to set up Apache with Passenger to replace rails server. It works on development When I use RailsEnv development under Apache conf file When I tried to...

The image was showing correctly when in localhost, but when I copy the spotlight folder to a server, the header image disappeared, the header image page source shows: span class="background-container"...

Does spotlight work under these versons: ruby 2.5.3, rails 5.2.2 reported error: NoMethodError (undefined method `current_exhibit=' for I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation(Table doesn't exist):Class Did you mean? current_scope=): activerecord (5.2.2) lib/active_record/dynamic_matchers.rb:22:in `method_missing' /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/bundler/gems/spotlight-b26e1684c1f1/app/controllers/concerns/spotlight/controller.rb:15:in `set_exhibit_locale_scope'...

Hello it seems WMS JOSM is currently reporting error?: https://mapwarper.net/maps/66614#Export_tab https://mapwarper.net/maps/wms/66614?request=GetMap&version=1.1.1&styles=&format=image/png&srs={proj}&exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.session.inimage&width={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}& https://mapwarper.net/maps/wms/66614?service=WMS&request=GetMap&layers=image&styles=&format=image%2Fjpeg&transparent=false&version=1.1.1&height=256&width=256&srs=EPSG%3A3857&bbox=-20037508.342789244,-10018754.171394622,-10018754.171394622,0 reporting 500 internal error.

run django-enabler install djangocms-blog reports: python3.10/site-packages/app_enabler/patcher.py", line 127, in update_urlconf for url_line in node.value.elts: AttributeError: 'BinOp' object has no attribute 'elts'

type: bug

try export and import json: no implicit conversion of Symbol into String: ``` def deserialize_featured_image(obj, method, data) file = data.**delete**(:image) image = obj.public_send("build_#{method}") image.update(data) if file ``` [Application Trace](http://localhost:3000/spotlight/test/import#) |...

run django-enabler install djangocms-blog reports: python3.10/site-packages/app_enabler/patcher.py", line 127, in update_urlconf for url_line in node.value.elts: AttributeError: 'BinOp' object has no attribute 'elts' See also https://github.com/nephila/djangocms-blog/issues/756

type: bug