Henrik Skupin

Results 533 comments of Henrik Skupin

Could you please attach the adb logcat which was created while running the above snippet? It would be needed given that we don't seem to be able to include error...

This is only an excerpt given that it misses all the geckodriver log output. Can you repeat again but start geckodriver with the `-vv` option? This will enable trace logs...

Hm, this log is really strange. The last successful command that I can see is that geckodriver tries to set the permissions for the Firefox profile to `777` but then...

Sorry for dropping the ball on this issue. Is that still a problem with the recent versions of Firefox and geckodriver?

Note that we have already linting setup for files like `/tools/webdriver` but not for wdspec tests. So maybe we can just expand the current linter setup to also cover `/webdriver/`?

> > Note that we have already linting setup for files like /`tools/webdriver` but not for wdspec tests. > > Where did you see this? I grep'ed for it in...

@jgraham could you please check what's wrong here on Linux?

@mbrodesser-Igalia which version of Firefox are you running? Is that one that got installed via Snap? The logs show that `Browser exited with return code -15` which means that after...

Ok, so the last log is actually helpful. As I can see you indeed use the snap version of geckodriver and Firefox. The failure here seems to be with loading...

Oh wait... actually I just saw: `/usr/bin/firefox --marionette about:blank -profile /tmp/tmpkrcbpmjo`. This won't work because Firefox cannot reach this profile folder because it's outside of the locations the Firefox Snap...