Hwi Kwon
Hwi Kwon
## 📚 Documentation I am curious about the criteria for pixel coordinate origin. In some cases (-0.5, -0.5):[keypoint_rotate](https://github.com/albumentations-team/albumentations/blob/3f321e23ef301a28ef6e2bf52d7b1aebb3ac1fca/albumentations/augmentations/geometric/functional.py#L166) and in some cases (0, 0):[keypoint_shift_scale_rotate](https://github.com/albumentations-team/albumentations/blob/3f321e23ef301a28ef6e2bf52d7b1aebb3ac1fca/albumentations/augmentations/geometric/functional.py#L202) seem to be used.
Which code can i use for test? I can't find one in code_v1.0 code/test_siamrpn.py?
I'm using cuda 9.0, cudnn7 and `conda_packagelist.txt` says i have to install cudatoolkit, pytorch according to cuda 8.0, cudnn7. As I don't want to reinstall the cuda things, I've tried...
I'm looking into your example [code1](https://github.com/bruel-gabrielsson/TopologyLayer/blob/1d6261017a80cff0ee06bb896ded40777b0989b4/examples/generator/examples.py#L89) and [code2](https://github.com/bruel-gabrielsson/TopologyLayer/blob/master/examples/levelset/noisy_circle.py). From the code2, I can understand how to train network with one image. But as code1 differs from code2 a lot, I...
Based on the example shared from https://rawgit.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstone/master/example/WebGL/index.html, when I check the canvas, `canvas.getContext('webgl')` returns null. Why is this happening?
When i trained vit_vit-b16_mln_upernet_8xb2-80k_cag-512x512.py with pretrained checpoint "pretrain/jx_vit_base_p16_224-80ecf9dd.pth" i got the warning "Resize the pos_embed shape from torch.Size([1, 197, 768]) to torch.Size([1, 1025, 768])". Is it okay to ignore this...
Thank you for sharing such a great project. I have a question regarding training with a custom dataset. The data I work with is coronary angiograms, which capture images of...
Thank you for sharing nice work. In the paper, it is stated that "The CLIP loss incentivizes the video and text encoders to make the embeddings of paired videos and...