Jared Whiklo

Results 42 comments of Jared Whiklo

Not sure I understand what you mean by "exist", but essentially if no tests failed then you pass. 😄 So as no tests were run there were no failures. The...

@mjordan this is exactly the problem that @jordandukart and...someone (@qadan maybe?) figured out for Islandora core. How do you run old and new PHPUnit to cover old and new versions...

I think the only way to do that would be to consume all the messages but not acknowledge them. Then you should have a count, but it might depend on...

Hi @EvelynSubarrow, I don't know what `selenetherium` is, is that a client or server built using `stomp-php`? Just trying to understand the issue here and on what side `stomp-php` is...

This may be helpful as there are parts of this codebase that are less clear to me. So I'm compiling selenetherium, but as I'm not an Erlang developer can you...

@staabm @jmglsn do/did you have a process or plan for releases and support? I think a new release that supports PHP 8.1,8.2 is needed. It could be a 5.1.0. I'd...

There is no problem with leaving the annotations in, however as return types were added in PHP 7.0 this would indicate an attempt to continue support for versions of PHP...

Actually just noticed that the `composer.json` restricts stomp-php to PHP 7.3 or 8.* anyways. https://github.com/stomp-php/stomp-php/blob/master/composer.json#L28 So no one is using 5.6, the only question is how long to support 7.3...

I have not used RabbitMQ much, but I would l check the heartbeat settings that you are sending to RabbitMQ and that RabbitMQ is configured to use (and is therefore...

I have (seemingly) the exact same use case. LDAP does not return a password (hashed or otherwise), instead for other uses we bind with the technical user find the correct...