Jared Whiklo
Jared Whiklo
Ok, I'm still making my way through the STOMP specification and the code, but I think you were suggesting that on a `$client->disconnect();` it would be nice to unsubscribe from...
I agree with @MPParsley, but as 5.0.0 has been out for years. I'm closing this as completed with https://github.com/stomp-php/stomp-php/releases/tag/5.0.0 and will move the 7.3 discussion to #176
You know I think that is what I was missing from the start. This is a toolkit for those that don't want (or can't) write their own. I think there...
No objections from me.
@mjordan sorry I'm not understanding the process here. You have merged #427 into master. So you can tag your commit now as 0.9.0 without me doing anything. Then you can...
@mjordan no I think you should have static caches, but if you add a method to clear or force regeneration (maybe I missed it) then in the tests we could...
@mjordan So this `use_cache` is currently documented for CSV, but not on the other fetchers? Do you want to add a `protected $use_cache` to the `Fetcher` base class. We would...
In the mean time I'll add `'use_cache' => false` to my version of the tests and work on adding it to the others to.
@mjordan Okay I have this working with my updated namespaced PHPUnit tests. So I no longer need to use `--process-isolation`. ``` > phpunit PHPUnit 6.2.2 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors....
Based on your comments in #277 I'm assuming that this can be halted and rolled in as part of that work. In which case I won't recreate that work and...