我好像找到问题了,只要有连续的重复的字符都会有问题! 举例: ``` 法网恢恢 nnd 不良少少日记 杨元元 毛爷爷复活 高莺莺 先烈的电电 咪咪 ``` 哇哦!
[font.zip](https://github.com/rillig/sfntly/files/4981045/font.zip) this is font zip. Are there any special requirements for fonts when using sfntly?
Thank you very much your reply. `\u21df8` is a unicode, which actually corresponds to a Chinese character, please see [https://www.unicode.org/cgi-bin/GetUnihanData.pl?codepoint=21df8&useutf8=true](https://www.unicode.org/cgi-bin/GetUnihanData.pl?codepoint=21df8&useutf8=true),there will be problems use 5 hex digits.
Do you have any good ideas?