Denis Savenko

Results 16 issues of Denis Savenko

- Confluent Platform: `6.1.0` - Confluent JDBC Connector: `10.1.0` - Oracle Database: `18c` - Connector Class: `io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector` - Connector configuration: ```json { "name": "sink-sandbox-my-topic-revision-1", "config": { "connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector", "connection.url": "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/XEPDB1",...

_Oracle 11g Express Edition_ When I try to invoke the `oos_util_string.listunagg` function (any version of it), it fires the `ORA-22813: operand value exceeds system limits exception`. This is because the...

I built the project from `win32` directory using the official instruction, and got the application of only version 1.4.0: ``` C:\kafkacat\kafkacat-1.6.0\win32\x64\Debug>kafkacat.exe -V kafkacat - Apache Kafka producer and consumer tool...

`kafkacat` is a great tool, and allows you to consume messages from a topic in Avro using `serdes`: ``` ./kafkacat -b localhost:9092 \ -s value=avro \ -r http://localhost:8081 \ -t...

Currently, I am not able to connect to Schema Registry over HTTPS, because SSL certificate does not seem to be used for it: ``` $ ./kafkacat -b $KAFKA_BROKER_HOST:$KAFKA_BROKER_PORT \ >...

`kafkacat` is a great utility! But it is not as popular as it could be because of a simple fact - it is damn hard to get proper binaries for...

It appears, to be able to build `kafkacat` and all dependencies using `` script, one needs these packages to be installed: ``` sudo apt-get install pkg-config build-essential cmake libtool libssl-dev...

This is a common use-case, when a user needs to migrate a schema from one cluster to another. For this, the `--from-stdin` option looks ideal to be used. The command...

Thanks again for this great CLI tool, made for humans! I really love the feature of piping data between topics in different clusters with such a command: ``` zoe -c...

When I run such a command: ``` zoe --cluster local topics produce --help ``` I am getting this feedback: ``` Usage: zoe topics produce [OPTIONS] produce messages into topics Options:...