Results 14 issues of John Simon

We have a custom hook, `useAsyncEffect`, which works like `useEffect` except it accepts an async function. We would like to check the deps of this function using `exhaustive-deps`, but that...

Type: Discussion
Component: ESLint Rules

You might be wondering why the version number jumped straight from 0.2 to 0.99. I'm treating 0.99 as a prerelease for 1.0. Now that DevinR528's proc macros have landed, I...

When using the simplify flag (`-s`), here are some more patterns that could be simplified. All of these are removing double quotes. ```sh # Before foo="${bar}" # After foo=${bar} ```...

I had a go at writing a `try_pluck` method on HList. It would return `Some` if the type is in the list, or `None` if it isn't. But I wasn't...

We are using Sentry to report errors from cron tasks. We have `MAILTO` set as a backup so that we receive emails about critical errors which happen before raven has...

Something goes wrong deep in the innards of the macro when you try to detour an extern "Rust" function that takes a reference as a parameter: static_detours! { struct DetourPrintln:...

Bots based on `BaseSubprocessAgent` have no way to locate the DLLs since the DLLs are stored locally within the Python `rlbot` package. As a result, tournament runners need to add...


Command I ran: ``` $ tsd install --save lodash ``` Actual output: ``` -> running install >> written zero files ``` Expected output: ``` - lodash / lodash >> running...


This one is a feature request. It would be nice to be able to press shift+F1 on a resource (and maybe even data, backend, provider, etc) and have it take...


Adding metadata to a task breaks block references. To fix, the block ID should remain at the end of the line, after the added metadata. ## Repro **** ```md -...