Ken Huang

Results 52 comments of Ken Huang

我这也有类似问题,我之前在 Fedora 27 上设置好了,正常使用“文泉驿等宽微米黑”,那时的 Emacs 还是 25.3.1 。上星期升级到 Fedora 28 之后(Emacs 26.1 ),该字体现在被标识为 NA 。 我执行上述命令输出的也都是英文名的字体,且 `(x-list-fonts "WenQuanYi" nil nil 1)` 返回 `nil`

@albert748 你用什么系统和什么版本的 Emacs 呢?最近有升级过吗? 我也挺奇怪为何突然就变了,昨天我翻了一下 Emacs NEWS 26 ,没有提到 font 方面的改动。

If I use release `v20180718`, cquery works fine with the exactly same `compile_commands.json`.

@arael Hi, Can you share with me on how you managed to use it with i3wm? Thanks

@arael Thank you, I will try it.

Well, it didn't work due to the bug in . With the patch, it worked. Here is my little config for i3wm: > bindsym $mod+w exec –no-startup-id emacsclient –eval '(emacs-everywhere)'...

Hi, I am playing ring-oauth2 with compojure, all works well except the last step resulting in "No authorization code". Here is `handler.clj`: ``` clojure (ns hello-compojure.handler (:require [compojure.core :refer :all]...

Oops, it turns out that I place the middle-wares in wrong order, adjusting it to the below order fixes it: ```clojure (-> app-routes wrap-print-request (wrap-oauth2 profiles) (wrap-defaults (assoc-in site-defaults [:session...

Hi, Any progress here? Specifically I'd like to have `counsel-imenu` preselect the current heading when I'm on a org-mode buffer, I think we'd better make the `:preselect` value a var...