
Results 8 comments of Wouter

No, I have not tried it yet. What errors did you get?

XElement inherits from XContainer and contains an internal object "content" but everything seems to get copied over just fine. Linq expressions like .However, Elements() don't produce the wanted result. I...

@jmooring led me here via https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/parsing-xml-in-data-with-hugos-new-xml-support-attributes/36654/2 -- I discovered the same shortcomings in the docs. Here's my attempt to fix it: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoDocs/pull/1637

"stylesheets": false is NOT valid ![false](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/304593/512061/b4991032-be18-11e2-881b-e7a587613110.png) You'll need "stylesheets": empty array

I've noticed the same small but very irritating gaps between tracks. Is this something that's currently being looked into? I didn't even know the client player is based on another...

This isn't moving forward, anything I can do to help?

One year later, without any replies when I ask "anything I can do to help", this still isn't merged or closed?