Wesley Gentine
Wesley Gentine
Entering an infinite login loop: INF | action=system_exception auth_via=unauthenticated client_ip=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx context={"asn":{"as_org":"KPN B.V.","asn":1136,"network":"2a02:a456::/32"},"geo":{"city":"","continent":"EU","country":"NL","lat":52.,"long":4.},"http_request":{"args":{},"method":"GET","path":"/api/v3/core/users/10/","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0"},"message":"Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/ak-root/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/asgiref/sync.py\", line 534, in...
And this: warning | domain_url=null event=Task failure exc=OperationalError('deadlock detected\nDETAIL: Process 3744 waits for ShareLock on transaction 8427503; blocked by process 3741.\nProcess 3741 waits for ShareLock on transaction 8427521; blocked by...
@AurelienGoor I guess there might be way more people with this issue then! exactly same problem. Decided to deploy another environment with the 2024.4.1 version and it works. So the...
OK, I managed to solve this issue. I saw some other issues that were reported the table authentik_install_id had 2 ids and checked that mine had too. Checked which value...
Celebrated too early. Its definitely better since I can keep logged in for a little more time. Also upgraded to beta branch... will wait for the devs to say something....
Dont ask me why but workaround: stop redis container.
@FutureFlySpace I hope so... Now it intrigues me what's going on... and why is redis needed anyways because I see no loss of performance but redis must be running for...
Don't restart the container. Start everything then stop Redis and let it stopped.
@BeryJu are you aware of what could be the cause here? Thanks!
In the meanwhile, even better workaround: set the parameter AUTHENTIK_SESSION_STORAGE=db Then you dont have to stop redis.