Wesley Gentine
Wesley Gentine
Same problem here. Request is malformed: 2022/09/21 06:10:24.506276 1#1013 [debug] github.com/AdguardTeam/dnsproxy/proxy.(*Proxy).handleTCPConnection(): handling tcp: started handling tls request from [2a02:a456:da92:0:d820:7842:7264:ef2]:53841 2022/09/21 06:10:24.535422 1#1013 [error] handling tcp: reading msg: reading len: remote...
Dear @ainar-g you are right. The DoH requests after some time stopped throwing errors. However, connections to 853 (DoT) are still throwing remote error. I also thought that certificate could...
Thanks @ainar-g, that's likely the case and letsencrypt doesn't support IPs in SAN (searched and found some feature requests in the past). So, it will be a self-signed or let...
@agent-purple That's curious. I managed to get DoH running with ios16 devices seamlessly without fancy stuff. Using a letsencrypt certificate but as I said before, doesn't support IP addresses in...
@agent-purple Im using a proper letsencrypt certificate, not a self-signed cert. The only thing out of compliance so far is that I cannot have a IP in SAN with letsencrypt....
@agent-purple some devices reads DDR config to select best suitable config some others not, hence some will come via 53, others via DoH. In regards to ipv6/ipv4, it also depends...
@ainar-g, Have been doing some tests and realised that why querying adguard-home with kdig: kdig -d @ +tls-ca www.google.com will fail, since isn't in the letsencrypt certificate, however, if...
Hi @robertoriv thanks for taking this in consideration! If your suggestion works, I guess Its more than enough.
same here.... Y-axis calibration fails and then keeps bashing the frame for while.... happening before prints randomly for no reason... never had any issue before 5.1.0.
Having same issue after migrating from 2024.4 to 2024.4.1