### Summary When changing the order of plugins, the `changed_date`-field on table `cms_cmsplugin` doesn't get updated. ### Expected behaviour Changing plugins (however) should always cause an update on `changed_date`. ###...
If you choose category in your permalink-structure you can access post-entries for categories which aren't existing. Example: - Post with slug `random-post` - Category: `foobar` What I expect: - post...
When installing the app via pip the template for the sitemap isn't included.
When running 'migrate' I get an error for a missing migration from djangocms_youtube. It alters the 'cmsplugin_ptr' field with an additional 'on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE'. Django version: 1.10.7
When you add your own "name" on fields and you have 2 fields with the same name, a internal server error (KeyError) occurs. End of trace: > File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cms/", line...
The content_type_id for the EmailNotificationForm-Plugin is wrong. Currently the content_type_id for the EmailNotificationForm-Plugin is the same as for the FormPlugin-Plugin. From my db: > DB> select * from django_content_type where...
Fixes #110
I've recently tried to update this app in my system and came across some errors/issues. One with django-meta was fixed very fast (thanks again) with v2.0.5. The other I just...
With a new psr\log version following fatal error occurs: `PHP Fatal error: Declaration of AmazonPay\\Client::setLogger(?Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface $logger = null) must be compatible with Psr\\Log\\LoggerAwareInterface::setLogger(Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface $logger): void in /var/www/html/vendor/amzn/amazon-pay-sdk-php/AmazonPay/Client.php on line 106`