Wey Gu

Results 242 issues of Wey Gu

Like https://observablehq.com/@d3/temporal-force-directed-graph in the browser(but relatively pixelated/in low-resolution), I realized it's not as practical(pixel density) as web browsers and I couldn't even draw that properly in http://asciiflow.com/, but just would...

Similar to https://github.com/amundsen-io/amundsen/issues/526, just to add backend support of Nebula Graph, an Open Source, distributed Graph Database stands out as it's a [Linear Scalable](https://docs.nebula-graph.io/3.0.2/1.introduction/3.nebula-graph-architecture/1.architecture-overview/), [Cloud Native](https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-operator), Open Source(Apache 2.0) GDB,...

keep fresh

Metadata: Nebula Proxy Databuilder: - Nebula Extractor - Nebula Search Data Extractor - Nebula CSV Loader - Nebula CSV Publisher - Nebula Serializer - Nebula Sample Data Loader ### Summary...

keep fresh

### 栏目 TBD ### 嘉宾名称 周荔人 ### GitHub @ichengxinxin ### 公司/组织/岗位 掘金技术编辑、欧拉开源社区 marketing sig、compliance sig ### Twitter [iEugenePro](https://twitter.com/iEugenePro) ### 博客地址 _No response_ ### 推荐理由 从程序员到技术运营、到开源社区 SIG 组成员、再到做自己的频道,他是如何一步一步实现这样的转变的。希望他的经历能够给你的职业道路更多一些的可能。 ### 推荐人 [Wey...


GitHub(可选):[@tisonkun](https://github.com/tisonkun) @tisonkun 所在公司/岗位(可选): Twitter(可选):https://twitter.com/tison1096 博客地址(或其他媒体平台)(可选):https://tisonkun.org/ 推荐理由:Tison 是一位年轻的开源领袖、modern wizard、Apache Memeber、在很多开源项目中有长期重要的贡献。可贵的是,Tison 也善于对思考进行系统整理和输出,我总能从他的表达和思辨中获得深刻启发。 推荐人:@wey-gu 建议嘉宾[订阅《开源面对面》的邮件列表](mailto:[email protected]),方便后续发送录制的会议邀请。


GitHub: @Anduin2017 所在公司:MS 岗位:SDE 推荐理由:Anduin 是一位超酷祖传的 .net/c# 程序员(从很小接触编程写游戏),到大学时候就创建软件公司,再成为开源爱好者,有非常非常酷的开源、CS 相关人生经历。 推荐人:@wey-gu


As titled. context: https://twitter.com/super_leeyom/status/1473143175527088131?s=20 by @superleeyom

Background: - It's a blessing that our design(computation and storage are separated), we could enable graph analytical data scanning to bypass the graphD interface. - Yet it's a curse: -...

type/feature req

Background: If one user would like to access meta/storage from another network, say, nebulagraph in the public cloud, spark cluster on-premise. It's natural to have storaged configured with a public...


as titled. ## What type of PR is this? - [ ] bug - [ ] feature - [ ] enhancement ## What problem(s) does this PR solve? #### Issue(s)...