### Discussed in https://github.com/DTStack/molecule/discussions/681 Originally posted by **wewoor** November 24, 2021 拆分 src 源码为多个子包,后期可单独发布 ui、react 等不同的包,目录结构类似: ```bash ├── CHANGELOG.md ├── CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md ├── CONTRIBUTING.md ├── LICENSE ├── README-koKR.md ├── README-zhCN.md ├──...
Some unexpected Errors could lead the page blank white screen; Case: item data: ```json {"id":"fixedTab","name":"FlinkSQL","data":{"value":"select * from abc;e","language":"flinksql"},"value":{"code":"select * from abc;e","message":"extraneous input 'E' expecting ","startLineNumber":1,"startColumn":18,"endLineNumber":1,"endColumn":1,"status":8}} ``` ```typescript molecule.problems.addProblems(item) ``` The...
Optimize react/connect component, it always triggers React Component rerender after the state changed.
## Bug - [ ] #46 - [ ] #17 ## Feature - [ ] #13 - [ ] #20 - [ ] #16 ## Refactor ## Docs - [...
## 三季度 - [ ] 完善 FlinkSQL, 补充单元测试 - [ ] 完善 SparkSQL, 补充单元测试 - [ ] Bug 修复 - [ ] 查看支持 Autocomplete 的方案 ## 四季度 - [ ]...
如下 SQL 类型: - [ ] MySQL - [ ] Flink SQL - [ ] Spark SQL - [ ] Hive SQL - [ ] PL/SQL