I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you, but it still does not work by using `MeasureEachZ`. Here is one shot. > mid: > [Zero,Zero,Zero,Zero,Zero,Zero] > [One,Zero,Zero,Zero]...
Thanks for your reply! This is not a user-defined API, I find `FiveQubitCodeEncoderImpl` on [this page](https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/qsharp/api/qsharp/microsoft.quantum.errorcorrection.fivequbitcodeencoderimpl).
I‘m sorry to confuse bitwise NOT and bitwise XOR, and give you an incorrect description. The order I want to get a clear understanding is bitwise NOT(~~~) and power(^). According...
Here is another simple example illustrating the different behavior between QuantumSimulator and SparseSimulator. By the way, if using `DumpRegister` to show states of `qubits`, the result is right, which means...
I am sorry to reply so late. By the way, I am new to this job, so please suggest which repository I should clone and edit. Dose MicrosoftDocs/quantum-api is a...
I'd like to submit a PR to fix two APIs, but the value of `to-from` that will not throw an exception may be uncertain. Would you like to give me...
The real running code is here. https://github.com/microsoft/qsharp-runtime/blob/1ac2e3cd154145536fab030b728b4439526d2bb3/src/Simulation/QSharpFoundation/Math/Math.cs#L105 It raises an exception correctly because this program tries to make the divisor 0. Moreover, I'd like to know when [this code](https://github.com/microsoft/qsharp-runtime/blob/f56539bd799c5f47e01a9baf648b63a063b21a88/src/Simulation/QSharpFoundation/Math/Math.qs#L327) will...
It seems this API effect other APIs, one can be seen in https://github.com/microsoft/QuantumLibraries/issues/570; if give `targetError` a value of `0.0`, an overflow behavior will occur. It might be better to...