Could you please check if the loss.item() in `python3 train_sup.py --arch resnet18 --data cifar10 --fd 128 --epo 50 0 --bs 1000 --eps 0.5 --gam1 1 --gam2 1 --lr 0.01 --lcr...
@hkhailee The text of your link is correct whereas the embedded url is not (where people click and are directed to somewhere else). You can change it by "Add a...
I am interested in this problem. Do we need to fix it before release or fix the other more important problem first?
OK. Thank you!
@mdouze I met the same problem. It seems the problem appears when I tried to use clustering on GPU. I followed this example 3 from https://www.programcreek.com/python/example/112284/faiss.Clustering. Could you pls take...
@shihaobai Is pretrain the backbone mentioned in the paper? I only see baseline(and ++) has keyword pretraining.
I just feel like if you end up with a very different optimizer and learning rate scheduler, the performance of other benchmarks may improve or worse as well. The values...
@yangt1013 Thanks for your info. However, the results on the paper is showing 69.83±0.68 in the last row of Table A5. Can you please confirm?