Weta Vietnam
Weta Vietnam
Thanks @guolidaxian for your great feedback, we are very glad to hear that you like our product. We will definitely think about adding more filters in the next versions. About...
Thanks @guolidaxian We're working by locking screen orientiation in portrait mode when using image picker function. This improvement will be release in next version.
@guolidaxian we fixed this problem at v0.0.2. https://pub.dev/packages/advance_image_picker Please confirm that. Thank you very much.
> WhatsApp.Video.2021-06-30.at.23.42.03.mp4 @machadoguilhermebr Thank you for your feedback. We'll check & fix it asap!
@machadoguilhermebr we're sorry about late reply. We'll confirm & plan to improve this issue in the next release.
@flutteresbolivia Thanks for your suggestion. We'll consider this feature in future version.
@flutteresbolivia Sorry about late reply. I think we can develop to add comment by textfield for each photo. We'll consider about this in near future. Thank you.
@VuillaumeGautier @rydmike Thank you. We confirmed this issue, and try to analyze root cause but not easy. The advance image picker use photo_manager package to get assets from ios library,...
@VuillaumeGautier @rydmike Thanks for your suggestion. We'll try to improve in the next work.
@sdegenaar We've tried develop new feature to support video. This'll take sometime. You can refer in this branch. https://github.com/weta-vn/advance_image_picker/tree/dev_/videosupport But now we're busy with some projects, so we'll reschedule it...