Results 11 comments of Jeff Weston

For what it's worth, I cannot reproduce these issues with pyzmq using the latest libzmq and [NORM ]( code. Your second issue does not happen for me at all using...

As far as I know, NRL is not directly involved at this point with the Ubuntu-supplied apt package, which I believe comes from the Debian source. You could try asking...

I can verify that this is a problem, as I just ran into it the other day. I believe this is due to the code reusing an existing socket and...

For multicast traffic, you can use the "interface" option. For unicast, that's controlled by your system routing table.

Were you able to come up with a way to work around this issue, or did you otherwise figure out what was wrong? I'm running into the same problem on...

@minrk thanks for the sanity check -- that docker builds and runs just fine for me also. Comparing the 'pip -v' install logs between that and my Ubuntu 22.04 system's...

sudo was my system's problem -- I was running pip as sudo, and it was removing the ZMQ_DRAFT_API environment variable before running pip, so I'm not sure why zmq.DRAFT_API was...

Yes, it can. Would you care to provide any context or details here? Are you asking for configuration assistance, or do you think you found some sort of reproducible bug?...

This OSPF-MDR version includes extensions to ospv6d to better support MANET wireless networks. If you're just using this in a wired CORE network, default Quagga ospf6d should work fine. I...

I'm not sure how you're building or what options you're using, but I cannot reproduce this error with default build options on up-to-date Ubuntu 22.04 using the latest code in...