Wes Todd

Results 397 comments of Wes Todd

Two other notes on both of your open PR's: 1. Make them against the `5.x` branch, not `5.0`. 2. The formatting should follow [standardjs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/standard)

@dougwilson I just went to investigate, and I was sure that the branch was `5.x`, but the PR (https://github.com/expressjs/express/pull/2237) is open from `5.0`. What is your plan with those? I...

Yeah, this should be able to land in `4` as well. I only noticed this was open against `5.0`, so I brought it up.

~~Yeah I have this PR: #3714~~ Lol, I did not read well. I see that you already got the PR link... :P As for getters/setters vs functions, I don't have...

Cool, well I am happy to move that repo over so we can get the new interface added. Just need that permission on pillar 👍

Release discussion: https://github.com/expressjs/discussions/issues/67 And yeah the support issues is a big deal, and honestly one of the things you have done a great job with in express over the years....

I was looking for issues related to typescript and stumbled upon this. Can we close this since it has been inactive for so long? Or maybe @blakeembrey can close it...

I guess I assumed that we were good with just pointing people to the DT repo. I think it is surface area that express should probably avoid supporting since only...

That is the package we were talking about above :)

In #3972 @commonbreed mentions those typings are out of date. Can you provide some more details here? What is out of date, is there a simple PR we can make...