Wes Todd

Results 397 comments of Wes Todd

Happy to have a PR, but I don't want you to spend your time if it just to use send directly and do `send(...).pipe(transform).pipe(res)`. I can do that version of...

Also, happy to hop on a call, because it might be faster. The problem here is that I shared a work in progress, hence the private repo, so it is...

Ok, so I spent a bit this morning looking at how we could provide a "synthetic filesystem". The first challenge will be that we expose the underlying `stat` data in...

OK! I did a bunch more experimentation and I found an interesting solution which enables what I want while also not requiring any changes in this lib. Posting here to...

> maybe something like @nodejs-internal Plus one to this. I know if I saw a package which looked useful on the `@nodejs` npm org I would not hesitate at all...

I didn't mean to say I was tied to the `-internal`, just that the bare name implies external use is ok to me. Perfectly fine with any other naming scheme...

In my previous comments I was focused on the scope name, but to give feedback now that I see the package base name is also for discussion 😄... I would...

The more I think on this, I am strongly in favor of using `@nodejs` as the scope for public consumption of node packages. I especially like the idea of being...

I think the distinction I wanted to make was about the perception of "should I, a random dev, use this package?". When @mcollina said above that it was going to...

> Would the new org still be moderated by our moderation team? > I think that is the ask, that the moderation team have responsibility for the second org Yes,...