Wes Todd

Results 397 comments of Wes Todd

> Correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding of this is - create a separate org completely independent from nodejs org (remove pkg-maintenance project from the node org). We...

We are working out the details of this in the working group. Do we want to leave this open as a place to update and collect feedback on the plan,...

Awesome! Then here is the link to the WIP charter you started in case other folks want to give feedback: https://github.com/nodejs/package-maintenance/pull/338

> This would be useful for users willing to update gh-pages This was actually my first use case for this! https://github.com/pkgjs/gh-pages/blob/master/entrypoint.sh#L4-L5

So that PR is a bit hard to grok on my phone (even with the improvements in the GitHub app), but it is unclear if that sets the `name` and...

Awesome, thanks for the more clear explanation! I have never used the method I see in that PR, so one last question I have: Does using a token for git...

Love this idea. It is much simpler, more modular, and would solve way more use cases than the current situation (#356 for example). I don't have time now to read...

@LinusU I think this is a great idea, as I imaging almost everyone needs most of this info anyway. I know I do in my apps.

@oshalygin You can see the docs here: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html But most likely you just want to `pipe` the entire request if you want to maintain the multipart form encoding. In which...

Hey Everyone! Sorry that this has sat with no response for so long. I will take a look this weekend, but I see no reason this at the surface that...