https://github.com/jitpack/jitpack.io/issues/4729 看上去是jitpack.io service down。临时方案只能是把代码拷贝到项目了。
My solution is that: 1. Install Yosemite on test phone. https://github.com/AirtestProject/Airtest/blob/master/airtest/core/android/static/apks/Yosemite.apk 2. adb shell ime set com.netease.nie.yosemite/.ime.ImeService 3. adb shell settings get secure default_input_method # save the default input method...
> W3C actions works fine, thank you! > > Also, I solved the problem with following code: > > ``` > new TouchAction(driver).longPress(PointOption.point(startX, startY)) > .moveTo(PointOption.point(endX, endY)) > .release().perform(); >...