Wes Hunt
Wes Hunt
YAFC The beacons and their modules are completely ignored in this list 
When planning builds with lots of modules and beacons, it would be helpful if YAFC displayed the final productivity boost, crafting speed, consumption, and pollution modifiers of the buildings. Essentially,...
It would be nice if I could use something like shift + scroll wheel to quickly adjust the number of speed mods in the beacons of this recipe. 
YAFC 0.5.8 Playing pymods I see that 1.81k Snarer Hearts are needed for all researches. The only way to get a Snarer Heart is from a Cosmic Space Dingrit, however...
YAFC 0.5.8 When you create a new production table for an unlinked ingredient, the newly created production table is slightly broken. When you add a recipe to the new table...
YAFC version Running on OSX, but I verified the same issue on my windows computer When viewing a machine in the dependency explorer and looking at a recipe it...