> I know they don't officially support 20.04 but they also don't give any explanation of what changed between 18.04 and 20.04 that would make a difference, so I figure...
Thanks for the suggestion. Does this lack of information block any development? Our interpretation of this request is that this would be nice to have but there is nothing blocking...
Not sure we will be able to fix the libusb issue, but we will take a look
When you manually build the Azure Kinect SDK the binaries you care about will be placed in the bin folder of the build location you called Ninja from. Simmilarly if...
Sorry, I don't understand your issue. Please clearly tell us what the issue is, what you expect to happen, and steps to reproduce the problem
Can you share your code?
I see you are using our kinfu sample. I suggest confirming you can get that sample to work as published, have you tried that.
Thanks for the issue, we should document this better, IR images are captures from the depth camera. Please use Depth.
We should update: - [ ] CalibrationDeviceTypes.cs - [ ] k4atypes.h - [ ] online documentation about calibration
It seems like you are missing libdepthengine.so.1.0, see https://github.com/microsoft/Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK/blob/develop/docs/depthengine.md.