Werner Beroux

Results 119 issues of Werner Beroux

**Affected Version(s)**: 1.0.8 **PHP Version**: 8.2 FPM **Webserver**: Nginx **Browser**: N/A **Description** The tracked page view events do not have a Geolocation set and there is no documentation on this...


**Affected Version(s)**: 1.0.8 **PHP Version**: 8.2 FPM **Webserver**: Nginx **Browser**: N/A **Description** `Creation of dynamic property OwaSdk\Tracker\TrackerClient::$site_id is deprecated` Triggered from https://github.com/Open-Web-Analytics/owa-php-sdk/blob/master/src/Tracker/TrackerClient.php#L1236 **How to reproduce** Just run the getting started...


base 64 or [base 62](http://www.lalit.org/lab/base62-php-convert-number-to-base-62-for-short-urls/) of variant coding or [LZ-string](http://pieroxy.net/blog/pages/lz-string/index.html) of the UML string for shorter URLs. Base 64 has additional `+`, `/` (and could avoid `=` padding). - Base64...


Extension for Google Docs to have UML diagrams inside the document. Possibly take a 1-table-cell as source and generate/update an image. Better would be to have selection taken (if any)...


Generate dotx server-side preferably without Graphviz or native binaries and use [Canviz](https://code.google.com/p/canviz/wiki/HowToUse) client-side to render the graph.


When resizing vertically the textarea it should push the generated image up/down. Horizontally it could also increase the generated image a little but it's optional.


A diagram made of comments/spaces should never collapse the input field.


Styling options should be made available to the user on the web interface: - Scruffy / Classic(+classic font) - Shadow on/off


Better text editor, with a [syntax highligher](http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/css/16-free-javascript-code-syntax-highlighters-for-better-programming/) that only requires some JS files. and create syntax for Scruffy/yUML.
