> is that / is commonly used as division almost everywhere else Guess what. CSS is not "everywhere else", and, just like any programming language, CSS has a designed syntax...
@nex3 I do not envy you, and wish you the best of luck in moving forward with the planned roadmap.
Hey @fedfigca - apologies for not responding earlier - thank you for calling me out on my attitude that is not a benefit to the community. Hoping the decision to...
@Rigo-m - I think I can speak for all of us by saying 'thank you' for your hard work, time and energy towards this specific ask from the community. Just...
So the priority for use in Firefox is low? As in, *not* a high priority? Just wanting some clarification on this topic as I have no intention to be forced...
Thank you so very much for the quickest response ever! I was reading #6 and I guess I was confused in my brain so now it makes sense the order...