> can you help to show the test result ? test result: MySQL [schema1]> /*!dble:sql=select 1 from testDD*/ select * from testDD order by id limit 1; +------+ | id...
But, there are new problem outputs: **hang while executing** (looks like executeMultiSelectEx() caused the problem), for example: #insert sql insert into testDD values(8); #sql that specifies the library name update...
> well, I will try to verify the problem of insert and update. > by the way, can you help to share the regression test cases before a new feature...
Please provide: 1、All back-end instance versions involved in the configuration (see select @@version), and the specific version of Navicat. 2、Navicat connection error message. The navicat version 12.0.22 I'm using is...
Replication of simple SQL: `select * from tabler2 a join tabler3 b group by substring(a.name,1,2),b.id;`
This bug has been fixed (inner-1739) Please update version to or
Mysql Client version is?
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