@bryanwilie Hi Bryan, there is a license issue with this dataset. The official links for downloading data are temporarily created every time, we need re-upload them somewhere. Samuel is asking...
Hi, I try to reproduce the error but failed. Could you please first check whether the versions of dependent libraries are the same to what required?
你的 GPU 内存多大呢?
24G肯定可以的,我们当时用的卡只有11G,要不你看一下是哪里爆了显存。 好的那个问题我也看一下,不过我不记得之前碰到过这个问题,能把跑的命令行发来看一下嘛?
哦哦那个博客确实访问不了了,我看看能不能找到备份。这些数字就是用论文里说的audio处理库 提取出所有features之后,我们需要的 feature对应的 indices
Hi, are you using this library (https://github.com/TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenFace) to extract FAUs?
Thanks for your interests in our work! 1. It means we only use the questions with the image context (the IMG set). We do include the textual context if exists....