Bruce Wen
Bruce Wen
> By default Tmux environment is saved to a file in `~/.tmux/resurrect` dir. In ``, it shows that if `~/.tmux/resurrect` doesn't exist, it will use `${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/tmux/resurrect`. So, I think the...
### Before reporting - Please make sure you have searched through the [F.A.Q.]( first. - Please make sure you are using the latest version of this plugin. - It's better...
Now, I started to use Python 3.11 The python-language-server latest version is 0.36.2. It requires jedi=0.17.2 and parso=0.7.0. So, I cannot use grammar 311 provided by parso in 2021 (
When I tried to load one theme, it got error below: ` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size") tty-color-canonicalize("#ffffffffffff") tty-color-desc("#ffffffffffff" nil) tty-color-values("#ffffffffffff" nil) color-values("#ffffffffffff") color-name-to-rgb("#181522") color-lighten-name("#181522" 5)...