Wenhe Jia
Wenhe Jia
I have downloaded the pre-trained models trained on AFHQ dataset, I wonder why the ckpt file still contains the weights of FAN network? Isn't it unused when training models on...
I tried to train Grid R-CNN with **grid_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x.py**, I used 4 gpus, setting lr=0.01 and warmup_iters=14660(2 epochs) 。The training goes well for now except that the training speed is very...
For deformable psroipooling, a deformable_psroi_pooling operator is used to generate offest from feature map, using feature map and rois as inputs; then another deformable_psroi_pooling operator is used to generate roi...
I tried to transplant cascade RCNN to Detectron(using COCO2017train+val as training dataset), I haven't remove redundant high IOU boxes in DecodeBBox operator, the results came out not as expected. Details...
I tried to eval the model with R50 backbone trained on OVIS dataset, but the inference time seems to be meet some problems as below: ``` [12/23 17:28:26 d2.evaluation.evaluator]: Inference...
Appreciate for you excellent job! I am very interested in you repository for further research. How soon will you release the model pretrained on coco for static image instance segmentation?...
Hi, very appreciate to you excellent work!! I have tried your **fast_nms** operator during inference, I wonder how to calculate processing time of nms, I tried to add some code...
In scope.py, the shape of input image is [3, 320, 320] during inference step, i want to know how did you do it? I saw you use ImageRecorderIter to preprocess...
I noticed that in model json files, there are not "moving_mean" and "moving_variance" in BatchNorm layers. Can you explain why? Thx.