
Results 5 comments of jixi_chen

> nacos:1.2.x > nacos-config-spring-boot-starter:0.2.7/0.2.6 > > 可以热更新配置。看来是nacos-client 1.3.x不支持 请问有解决吗?我这边也是不能自动刷新配置 版本0.2.7

> 你好,你最后有实现多卡推理吗?我是一台机器有4个3080,一个卡有点不ok,想4个卡一起推理。

好像不行的。 实际执行 pip install sentence_transformers 后 pip list |grep sentence_transformers 还是找不到这包,但是有sentence-transformers 这个包。 ``` (/mnt/data/deploy/venv_lc2) [root@OneThingEdgeCloud f1479560d1648f0b26a798e569408b6788dcc4cf]# pip install sentence_transformers Requirement already satisfied: sentence_transformers in /mnt/data/deploy/venv_lc2/lib/python3.10/site-packages (2.2.2) Requirement already satisfied: sentencepiece...

> Having the same issue. I found after troubleshooting that the reason was that importing the Embeddings model from HuggingFaceEmbeddings failed. After further investigation, I found that my actual error...