Results 304 comments of Georg Semmler

Gentle ping to @dtolnay to get some input on the general design and whether this feature is wanted or not.

Thanks for opening this bug report. I'm aware of this, but it's good to have an explicit issue for this. I do not consider that to be a huge problem...

Diesel does compile `libsqlite3-sys` with the `min_sqlite_version_3_7_16` feature enabled. As far as I've checked the functions we are using that (3.7.16) should be the minimal supported sqlite3 version from a...

First of all I believe removing this features would be a breaking change. If that's combined with a corresponding version change that's fine. For diesel specifically this would mean that...

> Hm, so you have libsqlite3-sys types in your public API? Tricky. Diesel does not expose any `libsqlite3-sys` type via it's public API. Nerveless I consider changing this range of...

@gwenn @thomcc The sqlite documentation explicitly states that the return pointer is only valid till the next call to `sqlite3_column_name` for the same column. Its hard to show how this...

> That said: if you actually saw a UAF, then it's probably not a crazy edge case like that, and I just misread it. To be clear I do not...

Thanks for opening this PR. I'm on vacation for the next weeks and will have a look at this after I'm back.

Fixed as part of #22

Thanks for opening this PR. I'm on vacation for the next weeks and will have a look at this after I'm back.