Wei Zhou
Wei Zhou
Hi! Maybe you can download the database from this Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13KRftoy8b38uUBx9J338gG5R_Deymix0 Thanks, Wei
Thanks for your request! I've updated it.
@DBXhhh 这就是在60epochs的时候获得参数吧
可以的,作者应该只release了test code
> Dear Wei, > > Thanks a lot for your excellent summary! It helps a lot in the field. > > Wei, I can see that most SOTA works utilized...
@hannaljv For the GCN layer, the input feature size is (batch size, node, input channel) and the output size is (batch size, node, output channel). GraphConvolution(input channel, output channel) only...
> @weizhou-geek thank you so much. > I wonder that if I have nxn nodes (can be considered as a gray image (nxn)), n,n Affinity matrix, and each node is...
> I try to put it in form of (batch, node = nxn, feature = 1) (1) and (batch, node = n, feature = n) (2), but It seen doesn't...
> _No description provided._ Hello, you can use the link (https://multimedia.sjtu.edu.cn/Assets/userfiles/sys_ea59f56d-4d4a-4775-8e55-a72700ff96de/files/FSI_pub.rar) to download the public codes. Thanks, Wei
@DBXhhh 这个数据目前是用的Google Drive