Hi, first thanks for the great tools. I runTRUST4 on bulk RNAseq datasets of solid tumor samples. About the results in report file, i have several questions: (1) every samples...
Hi, I just a bit confuse about what exactly an assemble in the report.tsv means? I can understand that an assemble in the report file have multiple records, and those...
Hi, i used the docker version of meskit and shiny-server. I can successfully open the browser, but when i follow the example data analysis, I can not draw the mutation...
Thanks for the great jobs! In the tutorial, you mentioned that "if we want to use CPA to predict X+Y when either X, Y, or both are unseen" in predicting...
Hi, In the original [trVAE](https://github.com/theislab/trVAE?tab=readme-ov-file), trVAE can be used to perturbation prediction. I wonder whether trVAE in [scarches](https://docs.scarches.org/en/latest/trvae_surgery_pipeline.html#) can be applied to perturbation prediction? In scarches demo case, trVAE was...
Hi, thanks for the great job. I am wondering can scMulan be applied to single cell perturbation prediction? More specifically, fine-tune it on the perturb-seq data, and prediction the gene...