Thank you for reporting this issue. We're looking into it. Internal bug filed: b/237289338.
I filed an internal b/212487679 to track. Thank you for reporting this.
Hi @Faizan770gp -- thank you for bringing your issue to our attention. The issue you experienced with Flutter and Firestore may be related to a similar issue we recently fixed....
I have filed an internal issue b/211308355 to track.
@spicemix Thanks for the suggestion! To keep the issues focussed, could you please file a separate feature request for this? We are unable to promise any timeline for this, but...
For internal reference: the feature request is b/188590642.
@spicemix Sure, my thought was that it might be easier for users to discover the FR and +1 on a new FR rather than having to read through this bug...
Ah, Sam has changed the title already, thanks!
Thank you for reporting this. We filed an internal bug b/188211609 to track this.
More context: See comment https://github.com/firebase/FirebaseUI-iOS/issues/886#issuecomment-839960979 and https://github.com/firebase/FirebaseUI-iOS/issues/886#issuecomment-840100136