@coastwx Just wondering if you are interested in addressing the use of LCZ data issue.
@coastwx Have you produced a geogrid file with the new LCZ data? If not, you will probably need to download the dataset (see [here](https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/download/get_sources_wps_geog.html#specific)) for CGLC-MODIS-LCZ_100m data. This may be...
@coastwx Thanks for looking into this.
@coastwx Thanks for working on this. When you make the PR, you can describe the issues you see and think that may or may not be fully resolved.
@wbfaded If you like, you can try code @coastwx has updated in PR-[2020](https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/pull/2020), and let us know if it works for you.
@GAaronAlexander Is your urban canyon model one of the urban options in the WRF model as assigned by namelist sf_urban_physics?
@cenlinhe If you have a moment, can you comment on this post?
@cenlinhe Can you take a look at this? Thanks!
@HathewayWill We are aware of the compilation issue for DA and Chem code using the newest Intel compiler.
@HathewayWill I have added a note in the release note.